Changing Database Password on OCI….

So I have been really busy. I shall explain in some other post where but here is a quick post about something that I should not had done but it happened. I made a database on Exadata Cloud service and I forgot it. I should had written it(note to myself). Anyways, here is how you change the password using DBAASCLI in OCI.

[opc@host ~]$ sudo dbaascli database changepassword –dbname namechanged
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command database changepassword
Enter username whose password change is required: sys
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Successfully changed the password for user sys
Reconfiguring bkup Assistant, this might take some time, please take a look at log /var/opt/oracle/log/MyExaDB/bkup/bkup.log for progress
Successfully reconfigured bkup assistant
[opc@host ~]$

To see a complete list of the options of DBAASCLi in ExaCS, check

Hope that helps.